How Long Does a Mortgage Pre-Approval Last? And Why It Matters

Imagine this: you’ve found your dream home. You’re picturing yourself hosting dinner parties in the spacious kitchen, relaxing by the fireplace, and finally having that backyard BBQ you’ve always wanted. But before you can start picking out paint colors, there’s one crucial step: getting pre-approved for a mortgage.

A mortgage pre-approval is a powerful tool that shows sellers you’re a serious buyer. It can give you a competitive edge in a hot market and help you negotiate a better price. But there’s one common question that often comes up: how long does a mortgage pre-approval actually last?

Understanding Mortgage Pre-Approvals

Before we dive into the lifespan of a pre-approval, let’s clarify what it is and why it’s so important. A mortgage pre-approval is a statement from a lender indicating how much they’re willing to lend you, based on a preliminary review of your financial situation. This is different from a pre-qualification, which is a less formal estimate based on self-reported information.

Getting pre-approved involves providing your lender with documentation such as:

  • Proof of income: Pay stubs, W-2s, tax returns
  • Asset documentation: Bank statements, investment account statements
  • Debt information: Credit card statements, loan documents
  • Credit history: The lender will pull your credit report

So, How Long Does a Pre-Approval Last?

The answer isn’t as simple as a single number. Most pre-approvals are valid for 60 to 90 days, but this can vary depending on the lender. Some lenders might offer pre-approvals that last longer, while others might have shorter periods.

Why the Time Limit?

The mortgage market is constantly fluctuating. Interest rates change, lending guidelines are adjusted, and your own financial circumstances can shift. The 60-90 day window allows lenders to reassess your situation closer to when you’re ready to close on a property.

What Can Affect the Length of a Pre-Approval?

Several factors can influence how long your pre-approval remains valid:

  • Lender policies: Each lender sets its own pre-approval expiration period.
  • Credit score changes: Significant changes in your credit score, either positive or negative, can impact your pre-approval.
  • Employment changes: Switching jobs, especially if it involves a change in income, could lead to a reassessment by the lender.
  • Major purchases: Taking on new debt, like financing a car, can affect your debt-to-income ratio and potentially your pre-approval.

What Happens When Your Pre-Approval Expires?

If your pre-approval expires before you find a home, don’t worry! You can usually renew it by going through a similar process with your lender. They’ll likely review your financial information again to ensure you still meet their requirements.

Tips for Maximizing Your Pre-Approval

  • Shop around for lenders: Compare rates, terms, and pre-approval lengths from multiple lenders.
  • Get pre-approved close to your home search: This ensures your pre-approval is fresh when you’re ready to make an offer.
  • Maintain your financial health: Avoid making large purchases or taking on new debt while your pre-approval is active.
  • Stay in touch with your lender: Communicate any changes in your financial situation promptly.


A mortgage pre-approval is a valuable asset in your home-buying journey. Knowing how long it lasts and the factors that can influence its validity empowers you to navigate the process confidently. By understanding the intricacies of pre-approvals, you’ll be one step closer to turning your dream of homeownership into a reality.

Do you have any other questions about mortgage pre-approvals? Let us know in the comments below!

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